
지속가능 식품영양 교육연구팀장


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지속가능 식품영양 시스템 구축을 위한 교육·연구의 글로벌 허브

서울대학교 지속가능 식품영양 교육연구팀

지속가능 식품영양 교육연구팀의 다양성 및 전문성 구현으로 경제의 발전, 사람의 건강, 환경의 보존을 위한 연구를 진행하고 있습니다.

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4단계 BK21 지속가능 식품영양 교육연구팀 입니다. 

BK 연구팀에서 주관하는 10월 전문가 초청 세미나가 11월 12일 오후 5시에 진행됩니다.

세미나와 관련된 자세한 내용은 아래를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.


BK 참여 대학원생 및 연구원은 반드시 필참을 부탁드립니다.


■ 주제: "The emerging role of CSN6 in cancer metabolism"

■ 연사:  최현호 교수님 (The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston), 

             Assistant Professor

             Department of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology,
            McGovern Medical School, UTHealth Huston

■ 일시: 11월 12일(화) 오후5시

■ 장소: 서울대학교 222동 B202 조흥연홀

연구성과 더보기

With the global surge in interest in healing following the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing interest in the concept of healing within the context of food. However, a clear understanding of how consumers perceive and define healing food is lacking. This study aimed to investigate consumer perceptions of healing food and the underlying elements that constitute the concept. Eighty subjects, evenly distributed across genders and age groups (19 to 65), conducted Q sort of 35 statements related to healing foods. Additionally, they sorted 46 food items into categories according to whether they considered them healing foods. The subjects were categorized based on their perceptions of healing foods. Group 1 emphasized physical health benefits of healing foods, identifying dairy, nuts, and functional beverages as healing foods. Group 2 valued the emotional benefits, choosing foods for sensory pleasure to alleviate negative emotions. Group 3 prioritized seasonal ingredients and eco-friendly preparation methods, with an older average age compared to the other groups. The results revealed a multidimensional nature of healing food, encompassing both physical and mental aspects. Interestingly, different consumer groups placed emphasis on distinct facets of healing foods and selected different items as representative of such foods. These findings highlight the nuanced nature of the healing concept and provide a valuable insight for deeper investigations into strategies for understanding and promoting healing foods.

교육성과 더보기

BK21 세미나 11월

제목: The emerging role of CSN6 in cancer metabolism

일시: 2024.11.12

연사: 최현호 교수, McGovern Medical School, UTHealth Huston

주관: 4단계 BK21 지속가능 식품영양 교육연구팀


2025년 3월


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